Born in 1950, Roger Zabinski earned a Bachelor's Degree in Music History and Literature in 1973 from the University of Minnesota.
During his studies there, he met Vaido Radamus, who trained him in violin making and introduced him to making bows.
About the time of Mr. Radamus' death in 1976, Roger met Martin Beilke, an internationally known bowmaker who worked in Minneapolis. Roger studied with him until Martin's death in 1979. In the summer of 1984, Roger attended the New Hampshire bowmaking course, learning the French methods of bow making there from William Salchow.
In 1985, Roger was elected a member of the American Federation of Violin and Bowmakers; a year later he received his journeyman's certificate from that same institution. In May of 2011 of he was elected a member of the Entente Internationale des Maitres Luthiers et Archetiers d’Art.
In November of 1986, Roger was awarded a Gold Medal for his violin bow at the Violin Society of America International Competition. He has also received numerous Certificates of Workmanship from the VSA. He presently lives and works in Minneapolis, Minnesota.